Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Self-Analysis of my photos

As I'm loading my photos into flickr, I'm sensing a trend in my photography. I'll pull off to the side of the road and do one, two or all three of the follow:

1. Take a picture of a mountian next to the road
2. Get off my bike and take a picture of the bike infront of the mountain
3. Get out my tripod and set it up on my bike and take a picture of me infront of the mountain

Now, you could probably exchange mountain for rock formation, empty desert, or body of water but you guys get the point. I'm not sure if this is the best technique for documenting the ride, but it's all I've got. It's just when I'm taking the picture I want to capture the magnificant sight in front of me and when I'm uploading it I feel like it doesn't quite have the same grandeur.

Feel free to let me know if I can improve on my photo skills, I receive a copy of all the comments posted to this blog in my e-mail box, so if you type it in, I'll read it!


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you asked....

1. Stop taking pictures of yourself. You're going to have plenty of stops where you'll be staying with friends, so during those periods go heavy on the people pics. It'll be more natural, and plus you won't have to waste time pulling out the tripod every time....

2. No more bike in front of "background" shots. You're driving across the US on a bike....we understand.

3. So that leaves the mountain shots. Take as many as you can (mountains, everything else) and filter out the boring shots when uploading. Also (and I kn ow you won't do this) but consider taking pictures of people you meet along the way) My favorite shots from China were not scenary, but pictures of ordinairy people living their lives....

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the pics of you Nolan! Of course I'm your groupie.

It was 102 today, but the sun is going down and I'm sitting outside typing on my NEW MAC! Love to Iftikhar!

Cousin Lee is here (says Hi) with his doggie.

I went to a local board of supervisors meeting today, so praise me for getting local. Of course that means I didn't get hardly any work done. 4 hours of opposition to expanding the quarry.

Don't think we stopped them.

We'll see.

At 2:03 AM, Blogger NolanT said...

Ift, good thoughts, BUT....

-I can't stop taking picuters of myself, if I take enough a couple will come out decent and I'm still trying to get to there

-And I haven't really met many people which means I haven't met many people who I could take pictures of, but I understand the idea.

thanks for the input.


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